Health Policy Institute

 European Digital HTA 


About Us

Health Policy Institute Poland

The Health Policy Institute is a non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in January 2015.

Since the beginning of its existence, the Institute has been taking actions to support a rational evidence-based health policy and it has been also conducting a number of analyses.

We believe that the vision of the Polish health care system may and shall be developed
in consultation with the key stakeholders. Even more importantly, we believe that patients should always be at the center of health care system. Therefore, the idea of patient-centrism is close to us.

In our activities, both strategic and operational, we take into account the perspective of patients. We believe that a functional health care system is, above all, a patient-friendly system focused on true and identified patients’ needs.

We have different professional experience, but our personal experience allows us to take into account the perspective of patients also in our professional activities.

All of us have been, are or will be patients. We repeat it like a mantra!

The Health Policy Institute cooperates on a daily basis with organizations representing the interests of patients and their rights. We cooperate both with governmental and numerous non-governmental organizations.