Health Policy Institute

 European Digital HTA 

It was out great pleasure and honour to participate in the educational workshop on foreseen legislative changes in EU Pharmaceutical legislation. The timing of the event titled: How Europe can defeat rare diseases? The upcoming amendment to the OMP regulations as an opportunity for European society was perfect – just before the release of draft legislation publicly by the European Commission (planned mid-March 2023).

European Parliament Member Adam Jarubas hosted the event. Other EMPs participated very actively in the discussion including former Polish Prime Minister currently EMP Ewa Kopacz. Both innovative and generic pharmaceutical industry representatives also joined the discussion. The Health Policy Institute was represented by the Chairwoman of the Board dr Iga Lipska who gave a lecture titled Challenges for orphan drugs in rare disease: from clinical trials to marketing authorization, reimbursement and patient access. Dr Iga Lipska also participated in the discussion session and concluding remarks.